News, Announcements, Updates, Links

Central High School of Philadelphia
Class 226

Central High School seal


This website is Dedicated
in Honor & Memory of
482 classmates of the

Hosted by Harvey Abrams, BS, MAT, Ph.D/abd

chs226 page 2
See the LINKS to all of the pages at the bottom of this page

Updated JANUARY 18, 2025

I am now in the USA.
Contact me - send photos & information about classmates, events,
obituaries, and something to post on your own page!
Call me and let's meet for a beer!!

Flag of Austria

Austria (Central European Time Zone) is six (6) hours ahead of Philadelphia (Eastern Timezone)
Midnight in Vienna is 18:00 (6:00 PM) in Philly, when you are eating dinner,
I am enjoying a nightcap of cremme de cacao with chocolate ice cream, lol.

Central High School of Philadelphia
Class 226
Hosted by Harvey Abrams

Send photos & messages to me at:

Flag of the USA Flag of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Flag of the City of Philadelphia

for the 226

Latest News:

December 11, 2024

Obituary announcement:

Sad to report the passing of Alan G. Riggall on October 27, 2024 in PHILIPSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA.


Details and a eulogy will be posted on his page click here. He was 75 years old.
Arrangements are under the direction of Haky/Georgiana Centre County Funeral Home, State College, PA.

May 17, 2023

Today I received the Spring 2023 edition of the Alumni Journal. It is a very beautiful publication with all the up-to-date news from CHS.
As always I check the obituary section in case I have to update our 226 class with sad news of classmates passing away.

In this issue I learned that classmate Reid Beck had passed away. The tragic cause of death was murder. Apparently his own daughter killed both Reid and his wife, Miriam, in their Abington, PA home in January. Links to the online sources detail this grisly tragedy and are on his memorial page that I am building this week... click here.

January 23, 2023

I was in Vienna for 90 days, the limit permitted with an American passport and I am now in FLORIDA.
My goal is to catch up on posting material that has been sent to me while I was in Europe.
Today I have posted a great photo from 1963 of our freshman class with names ending in "k" and "l."
THANK YOU Anthony Lamberti for sending this image (small image here, big image is posted
on PAGE 3, the class DIRECTORY). Go look!
(Class Directory, The 226th Class in alphabetical order, all 482+ classmates)
More posts will be made this week.

photo courtesy of Anthony Lamberti, 226

June 08, 2022
I am back in the USA! My adventures began on March 11, 2020 when I left Philly for Vienna.
We landed in Lisbon, Portugal to news that during our flight all US airports had shut down.
Then I got my flight to Vienna and landed as the last airplane before Austria shut down, wow!
I went to my apartment and then shopping for groceries only to find out that all shops were closing
at the end of the day. Thus began COVID-19 - and my two year adventure in Vienna. My friends in Vienna
have been exceptional in caring for me, vielen danke leute! The Austrian government gave me vaccinations.
Back in the USA for just one week and WHAMMO - I get the COVID virus and am now recovering in Florida.

Last weekend the class had a reunion in New Jersey and I hope that some of you write reviews for me to post with photos.
Two recent emails were received with updates for this site including a friend of Maurice Unthank learning of his passing
and news that Barton Gold had passed away. Everyone check in with me this summer, please. Send news to post. Tschuss!

Harvey Abrams
writing from Orando, Florida, June 08, 2022

March 24, 2022

I found the school newspaper, The CENTRALIZER online today.
It has been online since 2015, so take a look to see what is happening at Central.
The Centralizer online

Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

January 28, 2022
Information received Wed, Jan 26, 2022 5:21 pm

CHS 226
55th Reunion
(Guys only)

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022

Adelphia Restaurant
1750 Clements Bridge Rd
Deptford, NJ 08096

Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (13:00-16:00)
Cost: $55.00 per person
Luncheon buffet, Cash bar
Make your check payable to CHS 226 and send to:

Zachary Rubin
1661 Covington RD
Yardley, PA 19067

For more information contact Zack:
(215) 321-6905

PS: While you are at it - send me something for the website, your autobiography, photos, and updated information on classmates, including obituary information in case you have news we missed.
226 Class QUESTIONNAIRE. Please go here, fill it out and return to Harvey.
Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

May 21, 2021


1. A classmate is in need of your help - WALTER VLADIMIR ZDROK.
Here is the link to the GoFundMe account that has been established:

Quoting from the post:
Vlad is totally and permanently disabled with hereditary congestive heart failure. He suffers additionally from COPD and chronic gout, in spite of a healthy lifestyle. Vlad is hoping three Intravenous stem cell infusions will repair his body enough to provide a higher quality of life. Medical insurance will not pay for this therapy. In addition to the infusions, and urgently, in spite of Vlad's disability, Montgomery County Tax Bureau is threatening to sell Vlad's home, the one his father built himself, for the $13,000 of back taxes owed on it."

See the fundraiser at: Walter Vladimir Zdrok Quality of Life Fund
Walter Zdrok, Organizer
Souderton, PA

Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

April 09, 2021


1. The ALUMNI JOURNAL, SPRING 2021 issue has been posted on the Alumni website.
Here is the link to the pdf document: AACHS ALUMNI JOURNAL, Spring, 2021

2. All 226 class members are asked to fill out this data form for this website: CHS 226 Class Questionnaire

Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

December 13, 2020


I have added an obituary page for Stewart Charles Sapnas, please send any comments, eulogies, photos that you wish to add to this (and any other) page.

Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

July 2, 2020


Today I received news that one of our classmates passed away in Februay. The information was printed in the CHS Alumni Newsletter that Perry Isaac Pfeffer died. His obituary online has the date February 6, 2020. I will prepare a biographical page this week. If you have memories, stories, photos that you would like to add then please send them at your convenience.

Harvey Abrams
Vienna, Austria

November 30, 2019


Today I received news that one of our classmates passed away a year ago. The family contacted me that Dr. Philip Lipson died on August 10, 2018. I will prepare a biographical page this week. If you have memories, stories, photos that you would like to add then please send them at your convenience.

Harvey Abrams

September 27, 2019


We will be having a mini-reunion , nothing fancy. Just a bunch of guys getting together for dinner to remember "the good old days". It is primarily for the classmates living in the Philadelphia area but, of course, everyone is welcome.

Date: Monday, Nov. 18, 2019

Time: 6:30pm Cash Bar, 7:30pm Full Course Dinner

Place: The Pub, 7600 Kaighn Ave, Pennsauken, NJ (just minutes from the Ben Franklin Bridge)

Price: $32.99 plus $2.30 tax plus $5.94 gratuity = $41.23

Please R.S.V.P. by Nov. 11. Send check for $41.23 payable to “CHS 226” to Zack Rubin, 1661 Covington Rd, Yardley, PA 19067

Fraternally yours,


September 24, 2019

I added a new page for Harry F. Richman who passed away. See it here: Harry Frederic Richman page

March 12, 2019

Alby Salaman posted a message on FACEBOOK that classmate Don Carter has passed away. I will prepare a memorial page for him this week. Please feel free to send a photo or comment to add to the memorial page.
See a nice article here: Don Carter obituary,

March 12, 2019

I recently sent an email to everyone and many bounced back - wow, you retiring lazy guys.
Send me new emails and activity updates to share. Remember that if you want your details to be
PRIVATE then you need to tell me. In case someone contacts me - then I pass that message on to you
and then you decide if you want to answer.

I am heading up the IISOH Library & Museum project and request your support in three ways:

1st: please support our non-profit with a donation of just $25.00 once in your lifetime to help build an endowment.

2nd: Please help market this project by encouraging at least two other people to make a similar donation. Details of the project are at and remember -you get a LIFETIME acknowledgement for your donation!!

3rd: We are in need of people with skill and experience in non-profit law, employment law and accounting - we have to hire a certified public accountant if we raise this amount of money. We would love to have experienced people help us - so please offer your services if you have any interest.
International Institute for Sport History
Library & Museum

April 3, 2017

I am working on several page updates and have added a page for Amiram Elwork who passed away in 2014.

Page 3 is the entire class DIRECTORY. Go there for all links to personal pages. Please send me updated information (if you prefer to keep it PRIVATE then just let me know and it will not be posted online). If anyone wants to contact you then I will forward their request and you can decide to respond or not. All information that I post on personal pages comes from the public domain via my research or personal contact with friends or family members. I prefer that you write your own page and send your photos. If you have the class button that was designed please take a good photo and send it to me so it can be posted.
CHS226 Class Directory

April 2, 2017

I have added a new page listing the MISSING CLASSMATES of the 226. These are the guys that Zach has not been able to contact, so we need your help to find them. Please see this page and help locate these 164 guys. Send details to Zach and Harvey.

page 3b -

March 22, 2017


Sam Katz is producing a video that will be shown at the reunion on April 29. However, the response for photos from classmates has not been well received. In order to have a successful project, we need your cooperation. Please forward photos or any other memorabilia to Sam,

Fraternally yours,


March 21, 2017

Harvey, We are excited to see our RSVP list growing (119 RSVPs from 22 different states and climbing!), but we are still trying to make sure every classmate hears about our milestone 50-year reunion scheduled for Saturday - April 29, 2017. Our hunt for missing email addresses is paying off thanks to classmates recognizing names listed on our missing email list. Simply click on the link below to see if you know any of these classmates:

If you have ANY contact information (especially an email address) for anyone listed, just click on their name in the list and an automatically generated email will pop up. Simply type their email address in the body of the email and hit send. If an email window does not pop up, just send any contact information to our class email account: Information is kept private and even one email address from you is VERY helpful! A sincere THANK YOU from your reunion planning committee.

from Zack Rubin

February 14, 2017

We are hoping to produce a video to present at our 50th year class reunion. Sam Katz has agreed to organize and produce the video. We are asking you to send us a scan of any photographs you might still have from our days at Central and either a current profile photo of yourself or a link to your photograph online. Please email to Sam, Sam will take whatever we can generate together with images that were included in our high school yearbook to create a video piece that will be shown at the reunion and then made available via YouTube for everyone to retain.

Of course, this little project will only work if everyone submits something. So please, do not let this request sit in your email and get lost. Get us your photos or online links right away.



July 13, 2016

The details of our 50th year reunion have been finalized. The main event will be held on Saturday, April 29 , 2017 at the Westin Hotel, 99 South 17th St at Liberty Place, Phila., Pa 19103 starting at 7pm. It will be "guys" only. The price will be $140, which includes a one hour cocktail hour with hors d'oevres and an open bar followed by a buffet dinner. We have negotiated with the hotel for a reduced room rate if you so desire to stay at the Westin. The rate is $199 per night (normally it is $459). A limited number of rooms at this rate have been reserved for Friday and Saturday night. If interested, call the Westin Reservation Department at 1-888-627-8153 and specifically request the rate for "Central High School 50th Reunion Room block".

The next day, Sunday April 30th, we will have a brunch where "significant others" will also be invited. It will be at the Residences at Dockside, 717 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd, Phila., PA 19147 at 11am. The cost will be $45 per person. More information will be forth coming along with printed invitations some time next year. A Facebook page also has been it created. It is

Fraternally yours,

Copyright © 2016 226, All rights reserved.
We are starting to plan for the big one, 50 years.

Our mailing address is:
1661 Covington Rd
Yardley, Pa 19067

November 15, 2015
Classmates -
please review our contact information on this Excel file.
Send me updates or corrections.

This web site is devoted to the members of the 226th graduating class of Central High School of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From 1963 to 1967 we shared our high school experience -- over fifty years have elapsed. I thought it was appropriate to develop this web page to facilitate communications for the members of the class and to help Zach Rubin with the 40th (2007), 45th (2012) and the 50th class reunion in 2017.

My plan is to make this a permanent website for the 226th class -- a scrapbook on the web. Aside from being a Physical Education teacher - I am a professional historian. Please feel welcome to contribute your own material in photos, letters, essays or memories.

I reside in both central Pennsylvania and Vienna, AUSTRIA, traveling back and forth all the time.
If you will be in Europe please contact me so we can feast and reminisce over a great Wienerschnitzel meal with excellent Czech beer!

I founded the International Institute for Sport History, a non-profit corporation, to build a research Library and Museum devoted to the History Sport and the Olympic Games. We have many development opportunities and encourage you to make a donation in support of this educational project. Please visit the website at International Institute for Sport History (IISOH) Library & Museum. (

We got old guys! Are you feeling nostalgic?
Here is some music from our senior year and our freshman year at the university.

Harvey Abrams
December 07, 2020
updated January 08, 2025


click here to go to
chs226 page 3

I have compiled this 226 Class Directory from three sources:

1.A mimeographed "Class Directory" from the 1960's
2. The Yearbook
3. Our Graduation Program

All names of the class members are listed here by "BOOK" in alphabetical order.
Please help make additions and/or corrections.

More pages are to come -- with individual photos taken from the yearbook. Class members are encouraged to send additional photographs with a brief -- or lengthy -- autobiography that will be added as a linked page. Please feel free to send your resume or vita, copies of any publications or artwork, and even a small check to help fund the site. I am pleased to host this site -- it's the historian in me -- as well as curiosity. What has happened to you guys? Where have you gone? What distinguished things have you done? Share it with the rest of us.

Not everyone will be enthusiastic about having their pictures or too much personal information available on the web for a variety of reasons. I assure you that I will use discretion and adhere to your individual or family wishes. Some of my experience is classified, too. I have no plans to out any spooks. No desire to publish your federal prison address. There will be a page for obituaries and I would really like to have images of these guys. Family and friends are encouraged to send details, comments and photos that can be used. I will use all public domain sources that I can find -- hey, I'm an historian.

The site will grow as time elapses and I relocated the pages to its own domain as in July 2015. I originally hosted these pages on my book business web site at There will be no advertising, commercial links, flash or java on any pages. Images will be sized for easy download -- and if there are a lot I will use thumbnails with links.

My short autobiography that originally appeared here has been removed to my personal page. My plan is to have one page for each class member -- which means this website will have close to 500 pages. You may send your own autobiography and as many images as you want to post for free.

Individual Pages are slowly being added.

Every classmate will have an individual page (lots of work)!
Please send me your autobiography with photos and I will post it.

Here is my own page as an example of what you can do.

PLEASE SEND your own autobiography and images so I can add them to the site.
Best wishes to all!


click here for YOUR name

go to chs226 page 3

The 40th Class reunion of the 226

was held on Sunday, June 3, 2007

I was not able to attend the 45th reunion in 2012 nor the 50th reunion on 2017. So if you would like to send reviews I will publish them for everyone.
Here is a brief summary of the reunion weekend -- for those who missed the event.

Saturday, June 2, 2007 - Larry Batchelor, Rufus Faison, and Jay Strauss hosted a Hospitality Center aboard Larry's boat at the Philadelphia Marine Center from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM. Refreshments and food were served. I arrived very late after my drive from State College but at 5:30 PM there were still two dozen people there. After greeting everyone I was invited to dinner at Famous Deli on 4th and Bainbridge by Deane Smith and spouse, Peter Ree and Steve Mirow. For those of you who have been away from Philly as long as I have -- this place has changed in a remarkable way and is now a bustling, vibrant, hip city and I do not think the sidewalks roll up at night any more. I was pleasantly surprised by the vigorous lifestyle and awed by the amount of construction and renovation that has taken place. The downtown areas that I saw have taken on a very European appearance and compare favorably to cities in Europe which I know better than my own original hometown!

Sunday, June 3, 2007 - the reunion lunch was held at the restaurant RAE located at the beautiful CIRA Centre at 2929 Arch St. in Philadelphia. This incredible building is erected above the 30th street station and is in the vicinity of dozens of newly constructed or renovated condominiums. The reunion was organized by Zachary Rubin. The entrance to the restaurant was staffed by his spouse who served as registrar and greeter. Zach was the master of ceremonies and regaled the class with his trademark wit -- all of which can be enjoyed in the future when he has a DVD version available to everyone. Yes -- the reunion was videotaped and will eventually be available to everyone. Contact Zach for details. The buffet included bagels and lox, fish, eggs, and a variety of other delectables, but it seems that most people nibbled more than ate as everyone was gathered into groups that circled the room to greet and share adventures. An open bar quenched our thirst (thank you Howard). Seventy-nine people were registered for the reunion and it seems that almost every single one was there, but I do not yet have the attendance list from Zach. In the near future this list will be available with contact information for everyone who attended and gave their email and other contact information. We were honored to have one faculty member attend -- Physical Education teacher Vince Presto received a standing ovation and looked great at eighty-five years of age. We should all be so blessed.

To get the attendance list contact Zach by phone at (215) 321-6905 or email at He is retiring as a social studies teacher in the Philadelphia school district this month, so call this old man to wish him well into his old age:)

A reminder to everyone -- I will maintain this website permanently for the class and invite each of you to send material for your personal page. I will prepare an individual page for each person -- linked from the class directory -- by starting with the photo in the yearbook and the small blurbs about each student. You should add recent photos, your vita or resume, family information, lifetime adventures and anything else you want on your page. There is no limit to the amount of material you send -- I can add an infinite amount of information. Keep your nudie pictures, though, I plan to keep these pages clean and family accessible.

My best wishes to all of you.
Live long and prosper.
(written June 4, 2007)

This page was created November 30, 2006
This page was revised on June 4, 2007
This page was revised again on September 24, 2008
This page was revised January 8,9,30 2013
This page was revised January 19, 2015
This page was revised June 6, 8 2015
This page was revised September 16, 21, 25 2015
This page was revised November 13, 2015
This page was revised May 30, 2016
This page was revised July 20, 2016
This page was revised February 19, 2017
This page was revised March 23, 2017
This page was revised April 2, 3, 2017
This page was revised July 29, 2018
This page was revised September 20, 2018
This page was revised March 12, 2019
This page was revised September 24, 27, 2019
This page was revised October 20, 2019
This page was revised November 30, 2019
This page was revised July 2, 2020
This page was revised November 29, 2020
This page was revised December 07, 13, 2020
This page was revised April 09, 2021
This page was revised May 21, 2021
This page was revised January 28, 2022
This page was revised March 24, 2022
This page was revised June 08, 2022
This page was revised January 13, 2023
This page was revised March 25, 2023
This page was revised May 17, 2023
This page was revised June 12, 2024
This page was revised December 11, 25, 2024
This page was revised January 08, 18, 2025


page 1 - (CHS226 "entry" page or "home" page)

page 2 - (Introduction/dedication page, announcements) You are here now!

page 3 - (Class Directory, The 226th Class in alphabetical order, all 482+ classmates)
page 3a - 226 Class QUESTIONNAIRE. Please go here, fill out and return to Harvey.
page 3b - CHS226missingclassmates.html.

page 4 -- (Zach's 28 page master list [pdf] the entire class with contact information)

Pages 005 to 500+ -- Links to individual pages for each classmate. Go to the Class DIRECTORY (page 3) for these linked pages.

Contact us
Send 226 Class news to: 226 Class Representative:
Harvey Abrams
PO Box 732
State College, PA USA 16804
(814) 321-4018
Zachary Rubin
(215) 321-6905

Contact the Central HS Alumni Association
The Associated Alumni of the Central High School of Philadelphia
PO Box 26580
Philadelphia, PA 19141-6580
tel: (215) 927-9550 -- fax: (215) 276-5823
Flag Counter
Page counter added April 4, 2017
chs226 page 2

Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Harvey Abrams. All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the expressed written permission of the author. Or the wrath of Zeus will be upon you.